Home of the most comprehensive music reference guides...
Vernon Joynson's Potpourri Of Melodies & Mayhem is a comprehensive guide to Latin American and Canadian rock, pop, beat, R&B, folk, garage, psych and prog between 1963 and 1976. Featuring 1,420 Canadian and 700 Latin American bands/artists with:
RRP: £55
ISBN: 978-1-899855-22-3
Publication: Nov 2017
There are hundreds of entries (large and small) in this volume. Each entry provides artists discographies (album, EP and 45). The discographies are extremely detailed and, for most entries, artists' overseas releases are included, as well as comprehensive reissue information, details of retrospective compilations and appearances on various artists' compilations, where applicable. Most entries contain bibliographical details and descriptions and critiques of the music in as much detail as possible. A rarity scale is also provided for albums and EP releases.
The book's scope is even wider than the title suggests with some other genres, such as jazz and rock-soul, partly covered too. Where artists have been active since 1976, most entries include more information on their careers.
The album, EP, 45 and song titles by French Canadian and Latin American artists have been translated into English wherever possible to make them more accessible to English-speaking readers.
Numbered, limited edition of 1,000 copies across 896 b&w pages which is profusely illustrated and also contains 12 pages of full colour illustrations. There is currently nothing similar in print like this!
Artists Featured: (Canadian) ⚬ Aaron Space ⚬ Aarons & Ackley ⚬ Melinda Abbass ⚬ Abraham's Children ⚬ Ronney Abramson ⚬ The Action ⚬ Greg Adams ⚬ The Adanac Reply ⚬ A Foot In Cold Water ⚬ Agape ⚬ Alabama ⚬ L'Albatros (The Albatross) ⚬ Les Alexandrins (The Alexandrians) ⚬ Alias Jade ⚬ Alistair & Linda ⚬ The Allan Sisters ⚬ Chad Allan ⚬ Chad Allan & The Expressions (Guess Who?) ⚬ Chad Allan & The Reflections ⚬ Barry Allen ⚬ The Amen ⚬ Bill (now Barbra) Amesbury ⚬ Amethyst ⚬ A New Place To Live ⚬ Paul Anka ⚬ Patricia Anne (McKinnon) ⚬ Shirley Ann ⚬ Les Annonceurs (The Advertisers) ⚬ Antique Fair ⚬ Anvil Chorus ⚬ A Passing Fancy ⚬ Appleshine ⚬ April Wine ⚬ The Ardels ⚬ Mike Argue ⚬ Les Aristocrates (The Aristocrats) ⚬ Les Aristos (The Aristos) ⚬ Robert Armes ⚬ Arthur ⚬ Artie & The Mustangs ⚬ Jim Ashby ⚬ Les Assassins (The Assassins) ⚬ As Sheriff ⚬ Les Asteks (The Asteks) ⚬ The Athenians Of Toronto ⚬ Atkinson, Danko & Ford ⚬ Les Atomes (The Atomes) ⚬ Anne Attenborrow ⚬ Les Bacheliers (The Batchelors) ⚬ Randy Bachman ⚬ Bachman-Turner Overdrive ⚬ Backstreet Garbage Can ⚬ The Bad Cedes ⚬ Les Baladins (The Baladins) ⚬ Balazar ⚬ The Bananas ⚬ The Band ⚬ Natalie Baron ⚬ Les Baronets (The Baronets) ⚬ Keath Barrie ⚬ Yank Barry ⚬ Bartholomew Plus 3 (B+3) ⚬ Vinnie Basile ⚬ Batman ⚬ Bearfoot ⚬ Les Beatlettes (The Beatlelettes) ⚬ Beau Dommage ⚬ Beau-Hannon (& the Mint Juleps) ⚬ Les Beau-Marks (The Beau-Marks) ⚬ The Beavers ⚬ Bed Time Story ⚬ The Beepers ⚬ Les Bel-Air (The Bel-Air) ⚬ Les Bel Canto/Kanto ⚬ The Bells ⚬ Benjamin & Les Inkas (Benjamin & The Incas) ⚬ John Bennett ⚬ Benson Obermyer Fruit Stand Band ⚬ Bent Wind ⚬ Kim Berly ⚬ The Berries ⚬ B.T.B. 4 (Big Town Boys 4) ⚬ Big Town Boys ⚬ Les Bihankis (The Bihanki) ⚬ (Doug) Billard ⚬ Bim ⚬ Les Bises (The Hugs) ⚬ Randy Bishop ⚬ Bill Bissett & The Mandon Massacre ⚬ Jacques Blais ⚬ Terry Black ⚬ Black Snake ⚬ Blackstone ⚬ Blakewood Castle ⚬ Blind Owl ⚬ Blind Ravage ⚬ Bloo J ⚬ Bloodstone Bluebyrd ⚬ Blue Lick Road ⚬ Les Blue Marks (The Blue Marks) ⚬ Blue Max ⚬ Bluesmen Revue ⚬ Les Blue Sisters (The Blue Sisters) ⚬ The Blues Train ⚬ Bob & The Messengers ⚬ Bob & Les Damick's (Bob & Damicks) ⚬ Les Bohemians (The Bohemians) ⚬ Gilles Boisvert ⚬ Bolt Upright ⚬ Bond ⚬ Jimmy Bond & The Goldfingers ⚬ (Jimmy &) The Bondsmen ⚬ Mars Bonfire ⚬ Boodlyboo ⚬ Les Bop's (The Bop's) ⚬ Borealis ⚬ Boule De Son (Ball From Her) ⚬ Les Bourgeois (The Bourgeois) ⚬ Dave Boxer & The Boxerman ⚬ The Bradfords ⚬ Brahman ⚬ Brass Union ⚬ Brave Belt ⚬ The Brazda Brothers ⚬ Brégent ⚬ Brian & Gerry ⚬ Bridge ⚬ The British Modbeats ⚬ The British North American Act ⚬ Bobby Brittain ⚬ Dave Britten ⚬ Bronze ⚬ Diane Brooks, Eric Mercury & The Soul Searchers ⚬ Brother ⚬ Brothers and One ⚬ The Brothers-In-Law ⚬ Charity Brown ⚬ Gilles Brown ⚬ The Brian Browne (Jazz) Trio ⚬ The Brunswick Playboys ⚬ Brussel Sprout ⚬ Brutus ⚬ Buckstone Hardware ⚬ Bullrush ⚬ Melvin D. Burlap ⚬ Bush ⚬ Terry Bush ⚬ Marty Butler ⚬ The Butterfingers ⚬ Buxton-Kastle ⚬ C.B. & The Klassic Rockers ⚬ Cabbage Towne ⚬ Les Cabestans (The Capstans) ⚬ Le Cabinet (The Cabinet) ⚬ Les Caïds (The Big Shots) ⚬ Simon Caine ⚬ The Calientes ⚬ John Allan Cameron ⚬ Ross Campbell & The Du-Kanes ⚬ Canada ⚬ Canada Goose ⚬ The Canadian Beadles ⚬ The Canadian Downbeats ⚬ The Canadian Squires ⚬ The Canadian Sweethearts ⚬ Canadian Zephyr ⚬ Candy Rock Fountain ⚬ Canucks L.T.D. ⚬ Capt. Midnite's Dirty Feet ⚬ Le Cardan (The Cardan) ⚬ Jay Caress ⚬ Cargo ⚬ The Carillon Singers ⚬ The Carnival ⚬ Carnival Connection ⚬ The Carols ⚬ The Carpenter's Union ⚬ Emerson Carruthers ⚬ Cat ⚬ Catharsis ⚬ Les Cauchemars (The Nightmares) ⚬ Les Cavemen (The Cavemen) ⚬ Les Cavendish (The Cavendish) ⚬ The Centaurs ⚬ Central Nervous System ⚬ The Centurions ⚬ César & Les Romains (Cesar & The Romans) ⚬ Chamber Of Commerce North Pole ⚬ Les Champignons (The Mushrooms) ⚬ Les Chanceliers (The Chancellors) ⚬ Les Chantels (The Chantels) ⚬ Chapter V ⚬ Chaporal ⚬ The Characters ⚬ Robert Charlebois ⚬ Charlee ⚬ Checkerlads ⚬ Cheetah ⚬ Chelsea Wind ⚬ The Chessmen ⚬ Chester ⚬ Les Chevelles (The Chevelles) ⚬ Cheyenne Winter ⚬ The Chicoutimi Tin Band ⚬ Chief Dan George & Fireweed ⚬ Chief Dan George, Ann Mortifee, Paul Horn ⚬ The Chieftones (a.k.a The Chief-Tones) (Canada's All Indian Band) ⚬ The Children ⚬ Chilliwack ⚬ Chimo! ⚬ Chopping Block ⚬ The Chosen Few ⚬ The Chosen Ones ⚬ Choya ⚬ Christian ⚬ Christine & Ses ⚬ Copains (Christine & His Buddies) ⚬ Christmas (& Spirit Of Christmas) ⚬ Christopher Edward Campaign ⚬ The Churls ⚬ Les Chyles (The Chyles) ⚬ The Clan ⚬ Les Clan 91 (The Clan 91) ⚬ Les Classels (The Classels) ⚬ The Classics ⚬ Clay & The Fun Seekers ⚬ David Clayton-Thomas ⚬ David Clayton-Thomas & The Bossmen ⚬ David Clayton-Thomas & The Shays ⚬ Paul Clinch ⚬ Clockwork ⚬ Cloudbust ⚬ Yves Cloutier & Richard Toupin ⚬ (Tom) Cochrane ⚬ Bruce Cockburn ⚬ Le Cœur D'une Génération (The Heart Of A Generation) ⚬ Leonard Cohen ⚬ The Collectors ⚬ Colonel Popcorn's Butterband ⚬ Colored Rain ⚬ Les Commanders (The Commanders) ⚬ Comox ⚬ Company Store ⚬ Les Comtes Harbourg (Contes Harbour) (The Counts Harburg) ⚬ Connexion ⚬ Joey Conrad ⚬ Les Contacts (The Contacts) ⚬ Contraction ⚬ Les Contretemps (The Contretemps) ⚬ Beverly (Glenn-) Copeland ⚬ Copperfields ⚬ Copperpenny ⚬ Les Coquettes (The Coquettes) (a.k.a. Les Sœurs Malette (The Sisters Malette)) ⚬ Les Cordials (The Cordials) ⚬ Les Coronais (The Coronais) ⚬ Jack Cornell (Eckhardt) ⚬ Corporate Image ⚬ Les Corvairs (The Corvairs) ⚬ Les Corvets (The Corvets) ⚬ The Cosineau's ⚬ Dick Cotter & The Triumphs ⚬ The Cotter Folk ⚬ Danny Coughlan ⚬ The Counts ⚬ The Counts Four ⚬ The Courriers ⚬ Johnny Cowell (Orchestra) ⚬ Coyote ⚬ Crack Of Dawn ⚬ The Crazy People ⚬ Creamcheeze Good-Time Band ⚬ The Crescent Street Stompers ⚬ Crosstown Bus ⚬ Crowbar ⚬ Les Crusiers (The Cruisers) ⚬ Dean Curtis & The Lively Set ⚬ Bobby Curtola ⚬ Cutty Sark ⚬ The Cycle ⚬ Les Dabster (The Dabsters) ⚬ Patricia Dahlquist ⚬ Wes Dakus & The Rebels ⚬ Ray Dalan ⚬ Les Dalcos (The Dalcons) ⚬ Dallas ⚬ Dandy's ⚬ Danté (Denis Pantis) ⚬ D'Arcy ⚬ Darkstar ⚬ David ⚬ Robert David ⚬ Bob Davies ⚬ Stu Davis & The Pathfinders ⚬ Daybreak ⚬ The D-Drifters-5 ⚬ Dee & The Quotum ⚬ Dee & The Yeomen ⚬ De Franco Family ⚬ Les Del-Hir (The Del-Hir) ⚬ Les Délinquants (The Offenders) ⚬ Les Demi-Douzaines (The Half-Dozen) ⚬ Dee Depaul ⚬ Franck Dervieux ⚬ The Descendants Of Tyme ⚬ Les Devalons (The Devalons) ⚬ The Deverons ⚬ The Dewline ⚬ Les Diables Noirs (The Black Devils) ⚬ Diamondback ⚬ Dickens ⚬ Les Différents (The Different) ⚬ Dillinger ⚬ Dimitroff, Burgess & Friends ⚬ (Les) Dionysos ⚬ Les Diplomates (The Diplomats) ⚬ Dirty Shames ⚬ (Le) District (Quest) (The Western District) ⚬ Glenn Dixon ⚬ Hugh Dixon ⚬ Bonnie Dobson ⚬ Rich Dobson ⚬ Donald & Les Aristos (Donald & The Aristos) ⚬ Doomsday Machine ⚬ The Dorians ⚬ Downchild (Blues Band) ⚬ Les Doyens (The Deans) ⚬ Dr. Music ⚬ Dril ⚬ (The) Dublin Corporation ⚬ The Du-Cats (Ducats) ⚬ Dudes ⚬ Diane Dufresne ⚬ Paul Dugas & Les Habits Jaunes (The Yellow Habits) ⚬ Duncan & Fife ⚬ Sara Ellen Dunlop ⚬ Jim Dybolt ⚬ The Eastern Passage ⚬ The Easterners ⚬ The Echo Men ⚬ Edward And Harding ⚬ Cliff Edwards ⚬ Edward Bear ⚬ Duke Edwards ⚬ Duke Edwards Cycle ⚬ Duke Edwards & The Young Ones ⚬ Efrem ⚬ The Eight Day ⚬ Eight Point Five ⚬ Shirley Eikhard ⚬ Les Ékos (The Ekos) ⚬ Billy Elder ⚬ Electric Jug & Blues Band ⚬ Ellie ⚬ Ellison ⚬ Emmanuel ⚬ Emerald City ⚬ Les Emmerson ⚬ Barry Ennis ⚬ Equipe 79 ⚬ Erica (Pomerance) ⚬ Karl Erikson (Neuenfeldt) (& The Sands Of Time) ⚬ The Esquires ⚬ Eternal Triangle ⚬ The Eternals ⚬ Ed Evanko ⚬ Everyday People ⚬ Evolution Expantion ⚬ Les Excentriques (The Eccentrics) ⚬ Exit 4 ⚬ Expedition ⚬ Expedition To Earth ⚬ L' Experience 9 ⚬ Eyes Of Dawn ⚬ Fable ⚬ The Factree ⚬ The Fallen Leaves ⚬ Les Fanatics (The Fanatics) ⚬ Fantasy ⚬ Faro Wayne's Schmaltz Band ⚬ Fast Eddy ⚬ Father ⚬ Les Faucons (The Falcons) ⚬ Bobby Faulds & The Strangers ⚬ Fear ⚬ Feeling ⚬ Fergus (Hambleton) ⚬ Jean-Pierre Ferland ⚬ Fernwood Trio ⚬ Ferrari's Of Canada ⚬ Ferron ⚬ Shirley Field ⚬ The Fifth ⚬ The Fifth Dimension/The Five D ⚬ Les Fils D'Alexandre (The Sons Of Alexander) ⚬ The 5 A.M. Event ⚬ Fire And Rain ⚬ Steve Fiset ⚬ Five Clays (5 Clays) ⚬ The Five D ⚬ Five Man Cargo ⚬ Five Man Electrical Band ⚬ The Five Rising Sons ⚬ Five Shy ⚬ The Five Sounds ⚬ Flag (Fullterton, Little, Agnello Group) ⚬ Les Fléaux (The Plagues) ⚬ Les Flegmatiques (Phlegmatic) ⚬ Debbie Fleming ⚬ Flower Garden ⚬ Fludd ⚬ The Flying Circus ⚬ The Flying Colors ⚬ Peter Foldy ⚬ The Folklords ⚬ A Foot In Coldwater ⚬ The Footprints ⚬ Louise Forestier ⚬ For Keeps ⚬ Les Fortiches (The Fortiches) ⚬ 49th Parallel ⚬ Les 409 (The 409) ⚬ The Four ‘Em ⚬ The Four Emcees ⚬ The Four Winds ⚬ François (Guy) (a.k.a. François Le Sinner & Guy François) ⚬ Fraser & Debolt ⚬ The Free Band ⚬ Freedom ⚬ Freedom Five ⚬ Freedom North ⚬ Freeway ⚬ La Révolution Française (The French Revolution) ⚬ Friday Afternoon ⚬ The Fringe ⚬ Fullerton Dam ⚬ Les Furys (The Furys) ⚬ Fusion ⚬ The Gainsborough Gallery ⚬ Patsy Gallant ⚬ Les Gamines (The Gamines) ⚬ Les Gants Blancs (The White Gloves) ⚬ Les Gants Noirs (The Black Gloves) ⚬ Les Garçons De Minuit (The Midnight Boys) ⚬ Gargoyle ⚬ Gary & Dave ⚬ Gates Of Dawn ⚬ Marie Lou Gauthier ⚬ Les Géminis (The Géminis) ⚬ The (Fabulous) Gemtones ⚬ Les Gendarmes (The Gendarmes) ⚬ Gene and The Notes ⚬ Gene & The Strangers ⚬ Yves Gendron & Les Impairs (Yves Gendron & The Odd) ⚬ Genese (Genesis) ⚬ Les Génies (The Genies) ⚬ The Gentlemen ⚬ The Gentle Touch ⚬ Georg And Carole ⚬ David George ⚬ Winston George ⚬ Alan Gerber ⚬ Geronimo (Groovy Harlem) ⚬ The Gettysbyrg Address ⚬ Luke Gibson ⚬ Bobby Gimby ⚬ Gingerfoot ⚬ Les Ginos (The Ginos) ⚬ Les Gitans (The Gypsies) ⚬ Goddo ⚬ Goldenrod ⚬ Goliath & Ses Philistins (Goliath & His Philistines) ⚬ Les Gondoliers (The Gondoliers) ⚬ Good, Bad And Ugly ⚬ The Good Feeling ⚬ Good Fortune ⚬ Good Grief ⚬ Goody Two Shoes ⚬ The Gossips ⚬ Robert Goulet ⚬ Tommy Graham (& Friends) ⚬ Grass Company ⚬ Carl Graves ⚬ Great Flood ⚬ Great Rufus Road Machine ⚬ The Great Scots ⚬ Great Speckled Bird ⚬ Greatrix Freedom Band ⚬ The Great White Cane ⚬ The Greek Band ⚬ Lorne Greene ⚬ Joey Gregorash ⚬ Bobby G. Griffith (& The New Movement) ⚬ Group One ⚬ Jack Grunsky ⚬ The Guess Who ⚬ Guy ⚬ Guy Francois ⚬ Stefan Gnys ⚬ Les Habits Jaunes (The Yellow Habits) ⚬ Dean Hagopian ⚬ Bob Hahn & The Canadians ⚬ Greg Hambleton ⚬ Hammersmith ⚬ Greg Hamon ⚬ Keith Hampshire ⚬ Les Hamsters (The Hamsters) ⚬ Happy Feeling ⚬ Jack Hardin & The Silhouettes ⚬ Hagood Hardy (& The Montage) ⚬ Harmonium ⚬ Harold ⚬ Bob Harrington (& The Esquires) ⚬ Danny Harrison & The Count Victors ⚬ The Lisa Hartt Band ⚬ Hartford Baby Grande ⚬ The Haunted ⚬ Ronnie Hawkins & The Disciples ⚬ Ronnie Hawkins (& The Hawks) ⚬ Ronnie Hawkins & Many Others ⚬ Heads Of Our Time ⚬ The Heart ⚬ Heat Exchange ⚬ Heaven And Earth ⚬ Heavy Clay ⚬ Les Heritiers (The Heirs) ⚬ Pat Hervey ⚬ Jeff Hewittson & The Fugitives ⚬ The Hideaways ⚬ Dede Higgins (aka Dee Higgins) ⚬ Dan Hill ⚬ The Hitch-Hikers ⚬ Paul Hoffert ⚬ Joey Hollingworth ⚬ Ross Holloway ⚬ Homestead ⚬ Hood ⚬ Hoopdedoo ⚬ Jayson Hoover (& The Epics) ⚬ Horn ⚬ Horse ⚬ Les Hou-Lops (a.k.a. Les Têtes Blanches) (The White Heads) ⚬ The Hour Glass ⚬ The House Of Commons ⚬ House Of Random ⚬ Houston ⚬ Huckle ⚬ Lorence Hud ⚬ The Huggett Family ⚬ The Humanist Advent Concept ⚬ Humphrey & The Dumptrucks ⚬ The Hunted ⚬ Lee Hurst ⚬ Ray Hutchinson ⚬ Doug Hutton (a.k.a. Johnny Harlow) ⚬ Hyde ⚬ Hydro Electric Streetcar ⚬ Ian & Sylvia ⚬ Illustration ⚬ Les Impairs (The Odd) ⚬ Les Impôt-cible (The Tax-Targets) ⚬ Index ⚬ Inferno 5 Plus 1 ⚬ The Influence ⚬ Les Ingénues (The Ingenuous) ⚬ The Inner City Mission ⚬ Innovation ⚬ Les Internes (The Interns) ⚬ Intersystems ⚬ Les Intimes (The Intimate) ⚬ Les Intouchables (The Untouchables) ⚬ Les Intrigantes (The Intrigantes) ⚬ The Invitations ⚬ The Irish Rovers ⚬ Les Items (The Items) ⚬ It's All Meat ⚬ Jackal ⚬ Susan Jacks ⚬ Terry Jacks ⚬ Shawne Jackson ⚬ Jacqueline & Lindsay ⚬ Les Jades (The Jades) ⚬ Les Jaguars (The Jaguars) ⚬ Jam ⚬ Dianne James ⚬ John, James & François (Guy) ⚬ James & The Bondsmen ⚬ Johnny James Et Ses Invictas (Johnny James & The Invictas) ⚬ Jamieson-Roberts Device ⚬ Scott Jarrett & Baraka ⚬ The Jarvis Street Revue ⚬ Jason ⚬ Kelly Jay (a.k.a. Blake Fordham and Jay Kelly) ⚬ Jay ⚬ The Jaybees ⚬ J.B. & The Playboys ⚬ David Jensen ⚬ Jeremy Dormouse ⚬ Jericho ⚬ Les Jeun'Airs (The Jeun'Airs) ⚬ John, James & François ⚬ Jon & Lee & The Checkmates ⚬ Johnny & The Canadians ⚬ Johnny & The Nite Liters ⚬ A Joint Effort ⚬ A Joker's Memory ⚬ Michael-Jon ⚬ Karen Jones ⚬ Len Jones & The Jades ⚬ The Mike Jones Group ⚬ Rick Jones ⚬ Jon-Lee Group ⚬ Joshua ⚬ Francois Jourdan ⚬ Jude ⚬ The Jury ⚬ Justin Tyme ⚬ The Just Us ⚬ J.K. & Co. ⚬ Les Kangarous (The Kangaroos) ⚬ Kanterbury Tales ⚬ Karo ⚬ Les Karrik (Les Karrick) (The Karrik/Karrick) ⚬ Kartouche ⚬ John Kay ⚬ Debbi Lori Kaye ⚬ Christopher Kearney ⚬ The Keatniks ⚬ Tom Kelly ⚬ Jay Kelly ⚬ Roy Kenner & Associates ⚬ Kensington Market ⚬ The Kids ⚬ Killer Music ⚬ Andy Kim ⚬ Bill King ⚬ King Bees ⚬ The King Beezz ⚬ King Biscuit Boy ⚬ Ganam King ⚬ The Kingsleys ⚬ Jack Kingston ⚬ Tony Kingston ⚬ Klaatu ⚬ Richie Knight & The Mid-Knighters ⚬ Moe Koffman ⚬ Tony Kosinec ⚬ Bobby Kris & The Imperials ⚬ The Krystals ⚬ R. Kumano & Hunter Rock & Kurt & Noah ⚬ Sam Lahti & The Colts ⚬ Pierre Lalonde ⚬ Lancers ⚬ Diane Landry ⚬ Robbie Lane & The Disciples ⚬ Lanny ⚬ Tobi Lark ⚬ The Last Words ⚬ Fred Latremouille ⚬ John Laughlin ⚬ Laughter And Sorrow ⚬ Marlo And Lautia Lauzon (a.k.a. Marlo And Lutia) ⚬ Peter Law (& The Sound Of The Pacific) ⚬ Lynda Layne ⚬ Leather ⚬ Lectric Music Revolution ⚬ Larry Lee (& The Leesures) ⚬ Legacy ⚬ Leigh Ashford ⚬ Dianne (Diane) Leigh ⚬ Pierre (Peter) Leith (Capitaine Nô) ⚬ Claire Lepage & Compagnie ⚬ James Leroy (With Denim) ⚬ Let's Spend The Night Together ⚬ Dino L'esperance & Les Questions (Dino & The Question) ⚬ The Levee Loungers ⚬ Levon & The Hawks ⚬ Lexington Avenue ⚬ L' Experience 9 (The Experience 9) ⚬ Philip Lewin ⚬ Monique Leyrac ⚬ Lick‘n'Stick ⚬ Liette Et François (Liette And François) ⚬ Life ⚬ Gordon Lightfoot ⚬ Lighthouse ⚬ L'Infonie (The Infonie) ⚬ The Lincolns ⚬ Charles Linton ⚬ Lisle ⚬ Little Caesar & The Consuls ⚬ Little Daddie & The Batchelors ⚬ Little Witch ⚬ Liverpool Set ⚬ Lloyd & The Village Squires ⚬ Sam Lloyd ⚬ Jack London (& The Sparrows) ⚬ ⚬ Long Time Comin' ⚬ The Look ⚬ Looking Glass ⚬ The Lords ⚬ The Lords (Featuring Little Harley) ⚬ Lords Of London ⚬ Les Loups (The Wolves) ⚬ Les Loups Blancs (The White Wolves) ⚬ Love Cyrkle ⚬ Lovin' Hates ⚬ Lovin' Sound ⚬ Gordon Lowe ⚬ The Lowlanders ⚬ Luc Et Lise (Luc And Lise) ⚬ Lucifer ⚬ Luke & The Apostles ⚬ Les Lunours (The Lunours) ⚬ Les Luths (The Lutins) (a.k.a. Les Lutes) ⚬ Les Lutins (The Leprechauns) ⚬ The Luvin' Kind ⚬ The Luv-Lites ⚬ Doug Lycett (& The Kingston Monarchs) ⚬ The Lyme ⚬ Les Lynx (The Lynx) ⚬ Les Macadams ⚬ MacDonald Cartier Freeway ⚬ Les Machines (The Machines) ⚬ Mack ⚬ The Mackay Brothers ⚬ Ritchie MacLean & Bernie ⚬ Gene MacLellan ⚬ Madrigal ⚬ Magic Bubble ⚬ Magic Cycle ⚬ Magic Music ⚬ Mahogany Rush ⚬ Maiden Kanada ⚬ The Main Line ⚬ The Mainline ⚬ Les Maitres (The Masters) ⚬ The Majestics ⚬ Les Majestiks (The Majestics) ⚬ Majesty ⚬ Major Hoople's Boarding House ⚬ The Majority ⚬ The Makadames ⚬ Les Maledictus Sound (The Maledictus Sound) ⚬ Jim Mancell ⚬ Manchild ⚬ Les Manchilds (The Mandchilds) ⚬ Mandala ⚬ Maneige ⚬ Manhattan ⚬ Man Made ⚬ Jimmy Mann & The Dynamics Featuring Ken Folk ⚬ Mantis ⚬ Mantra ⚬ Mapleoak ⚬ Marble Hall ⚬ Les Maraudeurs (The Marauders) ⚬ Marcatos ⚬ Peter Marino & The Reaction ⚬ Bill Marion ⚬ Les Marjentins (The Marjentins) ⚬ Mark Et Les Voodoos (Mark & The Voodoos) ⚬ Mark III ⚬ Les Mark IV (The Mark IV) ⚬ Harry Marks ⚬ Les Marquis (The Marquis) ⚬ The Marquis ⚬ The Marrs Five (Toronto) ⚬ Michel Mars & Les Katres (Michel March & The Katres) ⚬ Les Marshalls (The Marshalls) ⚬ Marshmallow Soup Group ⚬ The Martells ⚬ The Al Martin 6 ⚬ Martin Martin ⚬ Carm Mascarenhas ⚬ Mashmakhan ⚬ Dutch Mason Trio ⚬ Les Masques D'or (The Golden Masks) ⚬ Les Matelocks (The Sailors) ⚬ Ray Materick ⚬ Mastiya ⚬ Shirley Matthews ⚬ Max ⚬ Doug McArthur ⚬ Bob McBride ⚬ Danny McBride ⚬ Bob McCord & The Vibrations ⚬ Robbie McDougall ⚬ Wayne McGhie & The Sounds Of Joy ⚬ McKenna Mendelson Mainline ⚬ Catherine McKinnon ⚬ Murray McLauchlan ⚬ McLeish, Petrie, Robinson & Friends ⚬ McLuhan ⚬ Terry McManus ⚬ The McManus Brothers ⚬ The Meadow ⚬ Meddy's People ⚬ The Media ⚬ The Medium ⚬ Les Mégatones (The Megatones) ⚬ Les Mégavolts (The Megavolts) ⚬ Melchior Alias ⚬ The Melody Makers ⚬ Joe Mendelson ⚬ Les Mercedes (The Mercedes) ⚬ The Mercey Brothers ⚬ The Merriday Park ⚬ Diane Merritt ⚬ (Neil) Merryweather ⚬ The Mersey Makers ⚬ Les Mersey's (The Mersey's) ⚬ M.G. & The Escorts ⚬ Michael-Jon ⚬ Jacques Michel ⚬ Michel Et Les Chanceliers (Michel & The Chancellors) ⚬ Michel & La 4ème Volonté (Michel & The 4th Will) ⚬ Michel & The French Canadians ⚬ Tom Middleton ⚬ The Midgets ⚬ The Mid-Knights (Blues Band) ⚬ The Midnight Angels ⚬ Mighty ⚬ Les Miladys (The Milady's) ⚬ Milestone ⚬ Tom Milestone & J.S. Revue ⚬ Les Million-Airs (The Million-Air) ⚬ Frank Mills ⚬ Mill Supply ⚬ Mind Explosion ⚬ The Mingles ⚬ Les Minous Blancs (The White Kitties) ⚬ Les Miradoes (The Miradoes) ⚬ Les Misérables (The Wretched) ⚬ The Missing Links ⚬ Mistee Morning ⚬ The Missiles ⚬ Misty Fire ⚬ Joni Mitchell ⚬ Stu Mitchell ⚬ Greg Mittler ⚬ Mock Duck ⚬ M.R.Q. (Modern Rock Quartet) ⚬ Mojo Co ⚬ Les Monarques (The Monarchs) ⚬ Monday Morning ⚬ Money ⚬ The Money Makers ⚬ The Mongrels ⚬ The Monsters ⚬ Montgomery ⚬ Montreal ⚬ Moonquake ⚬ Moonstone ⚬ Jeff Moore & Friends ⚬ Nicky Moore & The Scepters ⚬ Moosetracks ⚬ Moran ⚬ Jacqueline & Lindsay (Morgan) ⚬ Les Moribonds (The Moribund) ⚬ Morning Glory ⚬ The Morrow Men ⚬ Morse Code Transmission ⚬ Motherlode ⚬ Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck ⚬ Frank Motley (& The Hitchhikers) ⚬ Les Mousses (The Foams) ⚬ Moxy ⚬ M2 + AC ⚬ Les Muguettes (The Muguettes) ⚬ The Munks ⚬ The Munn Singers ⚬ Bruce Murdoch ⚬ Ralph Murphy ⚬ Anne Murray ⚬ The Mushroom Band ⚬ The Mustangs ⚬ The Mutual Understanding ⚬ Mya (Lange) ⚬ My Indole Ring ⚬ Les Mykels (The Mykels) ⚬ Myles And Lenny ⚬ The Mynah Birds ⚬ Les Mystérieuses (The Mysterious) ⚬ Les Mystics (The Mystics) ⚬ A Mythical Meadow ⚬ Les Napoléons (The Napoleans) ⚬ Teddy Nash & Les Scales ⚬ Natural ⚬ Natural Gas ⚬ The Nature Group ⚬ Naughty Boys (Those Naughty Boys) ⚬ Les Nautiques (The Water) ⚬ Al Neil Trio ⚬ The Newcomers ⚬ The New Creation ⚬ New Horizon ⚬ A New Place To Live ⚬ New Potatoes ⚬ The News ⚬ The New Yorkers ⚬ Next ⚬ bp Nichol ⚬ Allan F. Nicholls ⚬ Dave Nicol ⚬ The Night Caps ⚬ The Night Train (Risby & Flintroy) ⚬ The Night Train Revue ⚬ Ron Nigrini ⚬ The Nihilist Spasm Band ⚬ Jimmy Nite & The Nite Train ⚬ Noah ⚬ Noah's Ark ⚬ Les Nobels (The Nobels) ⚬ The Noblemen ⚬ The Nobody ⚬ The Nocturnals ⚬ Les Nocturnes (The Nocturnes) ⚬ The Noddies ⚬ Dick Nolan ⚬ The Nomads Four ⚬ The Nomads ⚬ Don Norman & The Other Four ⚬ Tom Northcott & The Vancouver Playboys ⚬ Tom Northcott ⚬ Tom Northcott Trio ⚬ The Northwest Company ⚬ La Nouvelle Frontiére (The New Frontier) ⚬ Les Nouveaux Baronets (The New Baronets) ⚬ Les Nouveaux Beau-Marks (The New Beau-Marks) ⚬ Les Nouvelle Génération (The New Generation) ⚬ Nucleus ⚬ Oak Island Treasury Dept. ⚬ Oberon ⚬ Ocean ⚬ Octavian ⚬ Octobre (October) ⚬ Les Odd's (The Odd's) ⚬ Offenbach ⚬ The Okey Pokey Band & Singers ⚬ Oliver Klaus ⚬ George Olliver ⚬ On The Rocks ⚬ One Way Street ⚬ Les Ook-Piks (The Ook-Piks) ⚬ Jimmy Arthur Ordge ⚬ The Organization ⚬ The Original Caste ⚬ The Original Haunted ⚬ Orville Dorp ⚬ The Other Half ⚬ Ouba ⚬ Our Generation ⚬ Overland Stage ⚬ The Pacers ⚬ Pacific Salt ⚬ Page Three ⚬ Michel Pagliaro ⚬ The Painted Ship ⚬ Painter ⚬ Bruce Palmer ⚬ Jerry Palmer ⚬ John Palmer ⚬ Denis Pantis (Danté) ⚬ Papa Bear's Medicine Show ⚬ Paper Dream ⚬ Parajoma ⚬ Paskal Et Les Signeurs (Paskal & The Lords) ⚬ A Passing Fancy ⚬ The Patmacs ⚬ Pat's People ⚬ Dennis Paul & Wes Dakus Rebels ⚬ The Paupers ⚬ The Peaches ⚬ Pear Of Pied Pumkin ⚬ Rick Pearson ⚬ Claude Péloquin ⚬ Péloquin Sauvageau ⚬ Martin Peltier (a.k.a. Martin Pelletier) ⚬ Pembrook Ltd. ⚬ The Penny Blue ⚬ Pepper Tree ⚬ The Persuaders ⚬ The Perth County Conspiracy ⚬ Peter & The Pipers ⚬ Les Pharaons (The Pharaohs) ⚬ Les Phenomenes (The Phenomenon) ⚬ Claude Philippe ⚬ Les Pieds Fou (The Crazy Feet) ⚬ The Pigmeat Blues Band ⚬ John Pimm ⚬ Pinky ⚬ Pink Plumm ⚬ The Plague ⚬ Les Planetes (The Planets) ⚬ The Plastic Cloud ⚬ Please Feed The Animals ⚬ The Poor Souls ⚬ Joe Popiel ⚬ The Poppy Family ⚬ Pops Merrily ⚬ Portland Street South ⚬ Mickey Posner ⚬ Le Pouvoir Des Fleurs (The Power Of Flowers) ⚬ Power Of Beckett ⚬ Powerhouse ⚬ The Preachers ⚬ Leroy Preston & The Inn-Crowd ⚬ Doug Pringle ⚬ Privilege ⚬ Joe Probst ⚬ Professor Fuddle's Fantastic Fairy Tale Machine ⚬ Ptarmigan ⚬ Purple Haze (1) ⚬ Purple Haze (2) ⚬ Purpose ⚬ Quid ⚬ Les Quidams (The Quidams) ⚬ Quiet Jungle ⚬ The Quiet Touch ⚬ The Rabble ⚬ Race Marbles ⚬ Tammy Rafferty ⚬ The Raftsmen ⚬ Ragged Edges ⚬ Rain ⚬ The Rainvilles ⚬ The Raja ⚬ The Raphaels ⚬ Bob Rapson ⚬ Les Rats (The Rats) ⚬ The Ravens ⚬ Raving Madd ⚬ Chris Rawlings ⚬ The Real Thing ⚬ Brian Redmond & The Sound Box ⚬ The Reefers ⚬ Regent ⚬ The Regents ⚬ The Reign ⚬ Reign Ghost ⚬ Réjean & Ses Fawcons (Rejean & His Falcons) ⚬ The Rejects ⚬ Remy & Les Chantels (Remy & The Chantels) ⚬ Ginette Reno ⚬ John Renton ⚬ Revelation ⚬ Les Révoltés (The Mutiny) ⚬ La Révolution Française (The French Revolution) ⚬ Guy Rhéaume ⚬ Rhinoceros ⚬ The Rhythm Pals ⚬ Les Rythmos (The Rhythms) ⚬ Lenny Richards & The Nomads ⚬ The Rick Curtis Affair ⚬ The Rising Sons (1) ⚬ The Rising Sons (2) ⚬ The Rising Sun ⚬ Riverson ⚬ Olaf Rixon And Ulrich Fausten ⚬ Roadhouse ⚬ The Robert E. Lee Brigade ⚬ Kathy Robertson ⚬ Robison Kaplan Ltd ⚬ Rockadrome ⚬ The Rockatones ⚬ Les Rockers (The Rockers) ⚬ The Rockets ⚬ Roger Rodier ⚬ Rodier-Gauthier ⚬ Stan Rogers ⚬ Tony Roman ⚬ Ronald And Dac ⚬ Frank Rondell & The Chancellors ⚬ Rose ⚬ Route Nine ⚬ Alan Rowe & The Coachmen ⚬ The Royal Family ⚬ The Ruby's ⚬ Craig Ruhnke ⚬ Rush ⚬ Bob Ruzicka ⚬ Allan J. Ryan ⚬ Clint Ryan ⚬ Saint Jacques ⚬ Saint John ⚬ Robert Salagan ⚬ The Sands Of Time ⚬ Satan & The D-Men ⚬ Mary Saxton ⚬ Scarlet Ribbon ⚬ The Scene ⚬ The (Les) Sceptres (The Wands) ⚬ Alan Schick ⚬ Schroeder & Forest ⚬ Jack Scott ⚬ The Scoundrelz ⚬ Scrubbaloe Caine ⚬ Sea Dog ⚬ Sebastian ⚬ Second Helping ⚬ The Secrets ⚬ Sedum Shadows ⚬ The Seeds Of Time ⚬ See + Hear ⚬ See-Poop ⚬ Les Seeters (The Seeters) ⚬ Séguin ⚬ Les Sélects (The Selects) ⚬ The Self Portrait ⚬ Les Serf (The Surf) ⚬ VIIth Temple ⚬ Sex ⚬ Les Sextans ⚬ The Shades ⚬ Shades Of Blond ⚬ Les Shadols (The Shadols) ⚬ The Shadracks ⚬ Shaft ⚬ The Shags ⚬ Les Shaggy Men (The Shaggy Men) ⚬ Shaka ⚬ Shakedown ⚬ Shame Tree ⚬ The Shan-De-Leers ⚬ Jackie Shane ⚬ Guy Shannon & The Brunettes ⚬ Marti Shannon ⚬ The Shays ⚬ Shea Red ⚬ Les Sheriffs (The Sheriffs) ⚬ The Shockers ⚬ The Shondels ⚬ Shooter ⚬ The Shouters ⚬ Les Silhouettes (The Silhouettes) ⚬ Silver ⚬ Silver Chalice Revue ⚬ Rhonda Silver ⚬ René Simard ⚬ Simon Simple & The Piemen ⚬ Simply Saucer ⚬ David Sinclair ⚬ Gordon Sinclair ⚬ The Singing Carillions ⚬ Les Sinners (The Sinners) ⚬ Sir Alexander's Band ⚬ The Skaliwags ⚬ Skipper ⚬ Skylark ⚬ Les Skyliners ⚬ The Smart Set ⚬ Bob Smith & The Common People ⚬ Grant E. Smith & The Power ⚬ Hank Smith ⚬ Jay Smith & The Majestics ⚬ Smyle ⚬ Snakeye ⚬ The Don Sneed Affair ⚬ Art Snider Ensemble ⚬ Les Snobs (The Snobs) ⚬ Sodbusters ⚬ Solid Reputation ⚬ Soma ⚬ Alec Somerville ⚬ Songbird ⚬ Sonny & The Sequins ⚬ Sonora ⚬ The Souls Of Inspyration ⚬ Sound Box ⚬ Sound 80 ⚬ The Sound Set ⚬ Les Sound Tracks (The Sound Tracks) ⚬ Ann Southam & Sean O Huigin ⚬ Southbound Freeway ⚬ Southcote ⚬ Space Opera ⚬ The Sparks ⚬ The Sparrow ⚬ The Spasstiks ⚬ Le Spectre (The Spectrum) ⚬ Eddie Spencer (& The Mission) ⚬ Spice ⚬ Spirit Of Christmas ⚬ Spirits Of Change ⚬ Spring ⚬ Spring Fever ⚬ Springwell ⚬ S'quires ⚬ Hank Squires ⚬ Ray St. Germain ⚬ The Staccatos ⚬ The Stags ⚬ Stallion Thumrock ⚬ Stampeders ⚬ Lucille Starr ⚬ Steel River ⚬ Steppenwolf ⚬ Suzanne Stevens ⚬ Scotty Stevenson ⚬ The Stitch In Tyme ⚬ Ken Stolz (& Nitelife) ⚬ J.C. Stone ⚬ The Stonemen ⚬ S.T.O.P. ⚬ Strange Movies ⚬ Stratus Singers ⚬ The Strato-Tones ⚬ Les Stringers (The Stringers) ⚬ Strongheart ⚬ Studebaker Hawk ⚬ Studio A Orchestra (Orchestre Studio A) ⚬ Sugar & Spice ⚬ Sugar Cane ⚬ The Sugar Shoppe ⚬ Les Sultans (The Sultans) ⚬ The Sultan Street Nine ⚬ Sunday ⚬ Sunnyside ⚬ Sunshine ⚬ Sunshyne ⚬ Patty Surbey With The Canadian V.I.P.'s ⚬ The Surf Riders ⚬ Suzanne ⚬ Sweeney Todd ⚬ Sweet Blindness ⚬ Sweet Somethings ⚬ The Sybil ⚬ Syrinx ⚬ Les Tallmud (The Tallmud) ⚬ The Tame Apes ⚬ Tapestry ⚬ Michael Tarry ⚬ Taxi ⚬ Bobby Taylor & The Vancouvers ⚬ R. Dean Taylor ⚬ Susan Taylor ⚬ T.C.B. ⚬ The Tea ⚬ Teak Wood ⚬ Les Tear Drops (The Tear Drops) ⚬ Teenage Dance Band ⚬ Teen Angel & The Rockin' Rebels ⚬ The Teenyboppers ⚬ Jay Telfer ⚬ William Tell & The Marksmen ⚬ The Tempests ⚬ Tenderness ⚬ Terence (a.k.a. Terry Black) ⚬ Terry & The Pyrates ⚬ Les Têtes Blanches (The White Heads) ⚬ Peter Tessier ⚬ The Thanes ⚬ Thee Deuces ⚬ Ian Thomas ⚬ Jim Thompson II ⚬ Russell Thornberry ⚬ Those Naughty Boys ⚬ (Those) Rogues ⚬ Threads Of Fybre ⚬ The Three Reeds ⚬ 3's A Crowd ⚬ Three Penny Opera ⚬ The Three Sharpes Quartet ⚬ Three To One ⚬ Thundermug ⚬ George Thurston ⚬ The Tiara's ⚬ Timothy (Eaton) ⚬ Les Titans (The Titans) ⚬ Brent Titcomb ⚬ Ken Tobias ⚬ Tomorrow's Eyes ⚬ Tomorrow's Keepsake ⚬ Jim Torres & The Sidemen ⚬ The Tote Family ⚬ Toubabou ⚬ The Townsmen (1) ⚬ The Townsmen (2) ⚬ Tranquility Base ⚬ The Transients ⚬ The Travellers ⚬ Eric Travers ⚬ The Tremolos ⚬ Triad ⚬ Trilogy ⚬ The Trippers ⚬ Les Trixons (The Trixons) ⚬ Domenic Troiano ⚬ Troyka ⚬ Truck ⚬ Tuesday's Children ⚬ Tundra ⚬ Twangy Rebels ⚬ Le 25ième Regiment (25th Regiment) ⚬ Twilights ⚬ The Two-Part Invention ⚬ Tyme & A Half ⚬ Ian Tyson ⚬ The Ugly Ducklings ⚬ The Ultimate Image ⚬ The Unbeatables ⚬ Uncertain ⚬ The Underdog ⚬ (The) Underworld ⚬ Ungava ⚬ Les Unics (The Unics) ⚬ United Empire Loyalists ⚬ Uproar ⚬ Valdy ⚬ Valentin ⚬ Le Comte Richard Valente (Count Richard Valente) ⚬ Les Valentins (The Valentines) ⚬ Les Valiants (The Valiants) ⚬ Gino Vannelli ⚬ Doug Varty ⚬ The Velvetones ⚬ Les Versatiles (The Versatile) ⚬ Vic, Paul & Bruce ⚬ Howie Vickers ⚬ Village S.T.O.P ⚬ Ville Emard Blues Band ⚬ Robert Vimont ⚬ Michael Vincent ⚬ Les Vip-Airs (The Vip-Airs) ⚬ The Viscounts ⚬ Vos Voisins (Your Neighbours) ⚬ Les Vote (The Vote) ⚬ W.D. Fisher ⚬ The Wackers ⚬ Martin Wall ⚬ The Walkers ⚬ Walt & The Satans ⚬ Wanka ⚬ Ward 6 ⚬ Warehouse ⚬ Warpig ⚬ Wascana ⚬ Wednesday (a.k.a. Wenzday) ⚬ Westend 22 ⚬ Mel West & The Meteors ⚬ Whindig ⚬ Whiskey Howl ⚬ Whiskey Sours ⚬ Whitemail ⚬ The White Knights ⚬ Jeff White ⚬ Ronnie White & The Emeralds ⚬ Wicked Orange ⚬ David Wiffen ⚬ Wiggy Symphony ⚬ Les Wild Ones (The Wild Ones) ⚬ Wildroot ⚬ The Willapus Wallapus ⚬ Willie & The Walkers ⚬ The Willows ⚬ Ann Wilson & The Daybreaks ⚬ Doug Willson Quartet ⚬ Jesse Winchester ⚬ Windsor Tunnel ⚬ Cheyenne Winter ⚬ Winter's Green ⚬ Wishbone ⚬ Witness (Inc.) ⚬ Wizard ⚬ Zalman Yanovsky ⚬ The Yeomen ⚬ Cathy Young ⚬ Karen Young ⚬ Neil Young ⚬ The Young Canadian Singers ⚬ The Young Canadians ⚬ Young & Company ⚬ Yukon ⚬ Les “Z” (The “Z”) ⚬ Les Zéniths (The Zéniths) ⚬ Lorri Zimmerman ⚬ Zylan ⚬ A B C D ⚬ Ali Baba Et Les 4 Voleurs (Ali Baba & The 4 Thieves) ⚬ Les Amants (The Lovers) ⚬ Frankie Angel Et Les Aureoles (Frankie Angel & The Halos) ⚬ Les Associés (The Associates) ⚬ Les Astronautes (The Astronauts) ⚬ Les Avalons (The Avalons) ⚬ Les Beethovens (The Beethovens) ⚬ Les Belges (The Belgians) ⚬ Les Capricorns (The Capricorns) ⚬ La Cellule (The Cell) ⚬ Choeur D'une Femme (Choir Of A Woman) ⚬ Les Chyles (The Chyles) ⚬ Claude Et Les Parasites (Claude & The Parasites) ⚬ Cleo, Mo Et Les Pieds Fous (Cleo, Mo & The Crazy Legs) ⚬ Les Complices (The Partners In Crime) ⚬ Les Copains (The Companions/Friends) ⚬ Les Corduroys (The Corduroys) ⚬ Les Crescendos (The Crescendos) ⚬ L'Esken ⚬ Les Étoiles Filantes (The Shooting Stars) ⚬ Les Five Bells (The Five Bells) ⚬ Freddie & Les Chômeurs (Freddie & The Unemployed) ⚬ Les Gavroches (The Urchins) ⚬ Les Gorilles (The Gorillas) ⚬ Les Guerrieres (The Warriors) ⚬ Les Honey Combs (The Honeycombs) ⚬ Les Improvistes (The Improvistes) ⚬ Les Jeantricks (The Jeantricks) ⚬ Les Kangourous (The Kangaroos) (alias for Le 25ième Regiment (The 25th Regiment) ⚬ Les Kool Kats (The Kool Kats) ⚬ Denis (Dino) L'Espérance (Dino Hope) ⚬ Les Marogays (The Marogays) ⚬ Le Message (The Message) ⚬ Les Monstres (The Monsters) ⚬ Les Notables (The Notables) ⚬ Le Nouveau Testament (The New Testament) ⚬ Gil Patrick Et Les Mustangs (Gil Patrick & The Mustangs) ⚬ La Sa Ab (The Sa-Ab) ⚬ Les Sélects (The Selects) ⚬ Les Soeurs Gallant (The Gallant Sisters) ⚬ Les Vicomtes (The Viscounts).
Artists Featured: (Latin American) ⚬ Miguel Abuelo (a.k.a. Miguel Ángel Peralta) ⚬ Los Abuelos De La Nada (The Grandfathers Of Nothingness) ⚬ Os Abutres (The Vultures) ⚬ Antonio Adolfo ⚬ Antonio Adolfo E A Brazuca ⚬ Aguaturbia ⚬ Rodolfo Alchourrón ⚬ Almandina ⚬ El Alamo ⚬ Alan Y Sus Bates (Alan And His Bates) ⚬ Alas ⚬ Los Albas (The Albas) ⚬ Pajaro Alberto Y Conjunto Sacrosaurio (Alberto Bird And Set Sacrosaurio) ⚬ Alex ⚬ Alfa-Gungadin ⚬ Los Aliviadores (The Relievers) ⚬ Alma Y Vida (Soul And Life) ⚬ Almendra (Almond) ⚬ Alta Tensión (High Tension) ⚬ Los Alushes (The Alushes) ⚬ America Libre (Free America) ⚬ Los American's (The Americans) ⚬ Amerindios (Amerindians) ⚬ Amigos ⚬ Los Amigos De Maria (The Friends Of Maria) ⚬ El Amor (Love) ⚬ Los Ampex (The Ampex) ⚬ Análisis (Analyis) ⚬ Ana Y Jaime (Ana And Jaime) ⚬ Jorge Anders ⚬ Los Angeles Salvajes (The Wild Angels) ⚬ Nelson Ângelo E Joyce (Nelson Angelo And Joyce) ⚬ The Angels ⚬ Las Animas (The Souls) ⚬ Anita Y El Conjunto Los Perdidos (Anita And The Perdidos) ⚬ Antique ⚬ Antorcha (Torch) ⚬ Las Antorchas (a.k.a. The Broken Souls) ⚬ Leo Antúnez ⚬ Los Apaches (The Apaches) ⚬ Os Apaches (The Apaches) (1) ⚬ Os Apaches (The Apaches) (2) ⚬ Apocalipsis (Apocalispe) ⚬ Los Apparitions (The Apparition) ⚬ Los Apson (The Apson) (a.k.a. The Apson Boys) ⚬ Aquelarre (Coven) ⚬ Aquila ⚬ Arau Con The Tepetatles (Arau With The Tepetatles) ⚬ Eduardo Araújo ⚬ Arco Iris (Rainbow) ⚬ Assim Assado (Like This Like That) ⚬ Os Atomicos (The Atomicos) ⚬ Los Atomos (The Atoms) ⚬ Avalancha (Avalanche) ⚬ Avanço 5 (Advance 5) ⚬ Ave Rock (Hail Rock) ⚬ Ave Sangria (Bird Bloodshed) ⚬ El Ayllu (The Ayllu) ⚬ Azimüth ⚬ Azucar Cacao & Leche (Sugar, Cocoa & Milk) ⚬ Los Babys (The Babys) ⚬ Paulo Bagunca (Paul Mess) ⚬ La Banda Del Oeste (Western Band) ⚬ La Banda Del Paraíso (Paradise Band) ⚬ Banda Macho (Bando Macho) ⚬ Banda Nueva (New Band) ⚬ Bandido (Thief) ⚬ Bandolero (Bandit) ⚬ O Bando (The Flock) ⚬ Bango ⚬ Os Baobás (The Baobabs) ⚬ Bárbara Y Dick (Barbara And Dick) ⚬ Los Bárbaros (The Barbarians) (1) ⚬ Los Bárbaros (The Barbarians) (2) ⚬ La Barra De Chocolate (The Chocolate Bar) ⚬ Los Barrocos (The Baroques) ⚬ Baba (Baby) Bátiz ⚬ Javier Bátiz & The Famous Finks ⚬ Javier Bátiz ⚬ Margarita Bauche ⚬ Beat Boys ⚬ Los Beat 4 (The Beat 4) ⚬ Los Beatniks (The Beatniks) (1) ⚬ The Beatniks (2) ⚬ The Beatniks (3) ⚬ Los Beats (The Beats) ⚬ The Beggers (The Beggars) ⚬ The Beggers E The Blackstones (The Beggars And The Blackstones) ⚬ Los Belking's (The Belkings) ⚬ Los Belmonts (The Belmonts) ⚬ Gloria Benavides ⚬ Julian Ber't ⚬ Maria Bethânia ⚬ Los Bichos (The Bugs) ⚬ Los Bichos De Candy (The Candy Bugs) ⚬ Carlos Bisso Y Su Conexión No. 5 (Carlos Bisso And Its Connection # 5) ⚬ Bixo Da Seda (Silk Worm) ⚬ Black Stones ⚬ The Blackstones ⚬ Black Sugar ⚬ Blonder (a.k.a. Blonders) ⚬ (Los) Blops (The Blops) ⚬ Blow Up ⚬ Los Blue Angels/Angeles (The Blue Angels) ⚬ Los Blue Caps (The Blue Caps) ⚬ Blue's Men ⚬ Los Blue Splendor (The Blue Splendor) ⚬ A Bolha (The Bubble) ⚬ Billy Bond ⚬ Billy Bond Y La Pesada (Billy Bond & The Heavy Guys) ⚬ Lô Borges ⚬ Bossa 70 (a.k.a. Los Hiltons) ⚬ Brasa Seis (Six Embers) ⚬ Os Brasas (The Embers) ⚬ The Brazilian Bitles (The Brazilian Beatles) ⚬ Os Brazões (The Crests) ⚬ Vytas Brenner ⚬ Los Bric A Brac (The Bric A Brac) ⚬ Los Brillos (The Shines) ⚬ Os Brincalhoes (The Playfuls) ⚬ Silvio Brito (E Os Apaches) (Silvio Brito & The Apaches) ⚬ Los Brujos (The Warlocks) ⚬ Los Buchos (The Bugs) ⚬ Los Buhos (The Owls) ⚬ Los Bulldogs (The Bulldogs) ⚬ En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido (In Search Of Lost Time) ⚬ The Buttons ⚬ Bwana (Master) ⚬ C ⚬ Caballo Vapor (Horse Vapour) ⚬ Cabrakan ⚬ Os Caculas (The Youngest) ⚬ Cadenas (Chains) ⚬ Los Campos (The Fields) ⚬ Os Canibais (The Cannibals) ⚬ Miguel Cantilo Y El Grupo Sur (Miguel Cantilo & The Southern Group) ⚬ Os Carbonos (The Carbons) ⚬ Carlocco ⚬ Carola ⚬ Donna Caroll Y La Pesada (Donna Caroll & The Heavy Ones) ⚬ Cassiano ⚬ Edgar Castro & Grupo C ⚬ Los Catedráticos (The Scholars) ⚬ Os Catedráticos (The Scholars) ⚬ Ceibo ⚬ Challenger's ⚬ Chandler, Siegel & Edwards ⚬ Las Chic's (The Chico) ⚬ Los Chijuas (The Chijuas) ⚬ Los Christians (The Christians) ⚬ Los Ciclopes (The Cyclops) ⚬ Los Cinco Soles (The Five Souls) ⚬ Ciruela (Plum) ⚬ Los Claners (The Claners) ⚬ The Clevers ⚬ Climax (La Paz, Bolivia) ⚬ Los Clippers (The Clippers) ⚬ The Clocks ⚬ La Cofradía De La Flor Solar (The Brotherhood Of The Sunflower) ⚬ Coke ⚬ Cold Coffee ⚬ Color Humano (Human Colour) ⚬ Columna De Fuego (Fire Column) ⚬ Los Comandos (The Commands) ⚬ Combo Xingú ⚬ Os Condors (The Condors) ⚬ Conexión No. 5 (Connection No. 5) ⚬ Congregación (Congregation) ⚬ El Congreso (The Congress) ⚬ Conjunto Sempre Alerta (Set Always Alert) ⚬ Conrad & Thee Travelin' Lights ⚬ Contraluz (Backlighting) ⚬ La Corporacion De Venus (The Venus Corporation) ⚬ Lula Côrtes E Ze Ramalho (Lula Côrtes And Ze Ramalho) ⚬ Los Corvets (The Corvets) ⚬ Cosa Nostra (Our Thing) ⚬ Gal Costa ⚬ Los Crazy Birds (The Crazy Birds) ⚬ The Crows ⚬ Crucis (Cross) ⚬ Cuero (Leather) ⚬ Os Dallans (The Dallons) ⚬ Los Dangers (The Dangers) ⚬ Los Darts (The Darts) ⚬ Los Datsuns (The Datsuns) ⚬ Los Delfines (The Dolphins) ⚬ Demons ⚬ Diane Denoir ⚬ Os Diagonais (a.k.a. Bossa Trio) (The Diagonals) ⚬ Los Diamantes (The Diamonds) ⚬ Dias De Blues (Days Of Blues) ⚬ Kubero Díaz (Y La Pesada) (Kubero Díaz & The Heavy Ones) ⚬ Dino ⚬ The Dinos ⚬ Diplodocum Red And Brown ⚬ División Del Norte (Northern Division) ⚬ Los Doltons (The Doltons) ⚬ Los Dos (The Two) ⚬ Los Dovel's (The Dovels) ⚬ (Los) Dug Dug's (Dug Dug's) ⚬ Rogério Duprat ⚬ Embalo R (Lulling R) ⚬ Embrujo (Bewitching) ⚬ Enigma! ⚬ Equipe Mercado (Team Market) ⚬ Escarcha (Frost) ⚬ Escombros (Debris) ⚬ Os Espaciais (The Spacials) ⚬ Los Espectros (The Apparitions) ⚬ Espíritu (Spirit) ⚬ Estrella De Marzo (March Stars) ⚬ Evolución (Evolution) ⚬ Exodo (Exodus) ⚬ Fábio ⚬ La Fábrica (The Factory) ⚬ The Fabulous They And I ⚬ La Fachada De Piedra (The Stone Façade) ⚬ Los Fakirs (The Poors) ⚬ Los Fanning's (The Fannings) ⚬ Los Fantoms (The Phantoms) ⚬ Fé (Faith) ⚬ Los Fenix (The Fenix) ⚬ Los Ferreira (The Ferreira) ⚬ Jesús Figueroa ⚬ Hugo Leão Filho ⚬ The Final Solution ⚬ Los 5 Soles (The Five Suns) ⚬ Los Flamas (The Flames) ⚬ Flaviola E O Bando Do Sol (Flaviola & The Sun Gang) ⚬ Los Flippers ⚬ (Flipper) ⚬ La Flota (The Fleet) ⚬ The Flying Karpets ⚬ Formación 2000 (Formation 2000) ⚬ Los 4 Crickets (The 4 Crickets) ⚬ Walter Franco ⚬ Frankie Y Los Matadores (Frankie & The Matadors) ⚬ Los Fratellos (The Brothers) ⚬ Los Fredy's/Freddy's ⚬ Free-Son ⚬ Frenéticos Del Ritmo (a.k.a. Los Frenéticos, Los ⚬ Frenéticos Del Ritmo) (Frenetic Rhythm) ⚬ La Fresa Acida (Strawberry Acid) ⚬ Frutos Del Pais (Farm Produce) ⚬ Los Fugitivos (The Fugitives) ⚬ The Funky Funny Four ⚬ Fusion ⚬ Claudio Gabis ⚬ Gabriela ⚬ The Galaxies ⚬ Charly Garcia Y La Maquina De Hacer Pajaros ⚬ Los Gatos (The Cats) ⚬ Los Gatos Salvajes (The Wild Cats) ⚬ Generación Cero (Generation Zero) ⚬ Génesis (1) ⚬ Génesis (2) ⚬ The Gentlemen ⚬ Santiago Giacobbe ⚬ León Gieco ⚬ Gilberto Gil ⚬ Los Gliders (The Gilders) ⚬ Los Golden Boys (The Golden Boys) (1) ⚬ Los Golden Boys (The Golden Boys) (2) ⚬ Los Golden Brass (The Golden Brass) ⚬ Los Golden Stars (The Golden Stars) ⚬ Golden Stones ⚬ Gorrión (Sparrow) ⚬ Los Grecos (The Greeks) (1) ⚬ Los Grecos (The Greeks) (2) ⚬ Márcio Greyck (With The Bublles - A Bolha) ⚬ Los Grillos (The Crickets) ⚬ Grupo Amigos (Band Friends) ⚬ Grupo C (Group C) ⚬ Grupo Ciruela ⚬ Grua (Crane) ⚬ El Grupo De Gastón (Gaston's Band) ⚬ Grupo King's (Kings Group) ⚬ Grupo Raizes (Group Roots) ⚬ Grupo St Cecilia (Saint Cecilia Band) ⚬ Grupo Shalom ⚬ Grupo Sol De Chile (Sun Of Chile Group) ⚬ Enrique Guzmán ⚬ Los H (The H) ⚬ The Hangmen ⚬ Los Hang Ten's (The Hang Tens) ⚬ Pat Henry Y Sus Diablos Azules (Pat Henry & His Blue Devils) ⚬ Hielo (Ice) ⚬ Hielo Ardiente (Burning Ice) ⚬ Hierro (Iron) ⚬ Los Hitter's (The Hitters) ⚬ Hojas (Leaves) ⚬ Los Holiday's (The Holidays) ⚬ Holocausto (Holocaust) ⚬ Los Holy's (The Holys) ⚬ Homer & The Dont's ⚬ Los Honda (The Honda) ⚬ Los Hooligan's (The Hooligans) ⚬ Hugo Y Osvaldo (Hugo And Osvaldo) ⚬ Huinca (The New Incas) ⚬ Hyldon ⚬ Illapu ⚬ Impacto Cinco (Five Impact) ⚬ Los Impala (The Impala) ⚬ Impala Syndrome ⚬ Los In (The In) ⚬ Los Incas (The Incas) ⚬ Los Incas! (The Incas!) ⚬ Los Increibles (The Incredibles) ⚬ Os Incríveis (The Incredibles) ⚬ Inri Ezel ⚬ Intocables (Untouchables) ⚬ Invisible ⚬ Los Iracundos (The Wrathful) ⚬ Ivo ⚬ Jacildo E Seus Rapazes (Jacildo And His Boys) ⚬ Los Jaguars (The Jaguars) ⚬ Jaime E Nair (Jaime And Nair) ⚬ Los Jaivas (Little Crabs) ⚬ Víctor Jara ⚬ Jarabe De Menta (Mint Surup) ⚬ Jesús ⚬ The Jet Black's ⚬ Los Jets (The Jets) (1) ⚬ Los Jets (The Jets) (2) ⚬ Los Jockers (The Jokers) ⚬ Los Johnny Jets ⚬ Chuck Jones And His Band ⚬ Roberto Jordán ⚬ ⚬ La Joven Guardia (The Young Guard) ⚬ Os Jovens (Youth) ⚬ Juan “El Matemático” (Juan “The Mathematician”) ⚬ The Jungles ⚬ Los Juniors (The Juniors) ⚬ Junior Squad ⚬ Los Junkers (The Junkers) ⚬ Juvenal Y La Banda (Juvenal And Band) ⚬ La Kábala (The Kabbalah) ⚬ Kaleidoscope ⚬ Kalish ⚬ Kano Y Los Bulldogs (Kano & The Bulldogs) ⚬ Los Killers (The Killers) ⚬ Los King's (The Kings) ⚬ El Kinto (The Kinto) ⚬ Kissing Spell ⚬ El Klan (The Klan) ⚬ The Knacks ⚬ Los Kreyer's (The Kreyers) ⚬ Kris Kringle ⚬ Miguel Krochik ⚬ Ladies W.C. (Ladies Water Closet) ⚬ Laghonia ⚬ Guilherme Lamounier (William Lamounier) ⚬ Los Larks (The Larks) ⚬ David Lebón ⚬ Rita Lee ⚬ La Legión ⚬ Nara Leão ⚬ Los Leos (Y Johnny Dynamo) (Leos (With Johnny Dynamo) ⚬ Gracinha Leporace ⚬ Liberación (Release) ⚬ Los Liberty (The Liberty) ⚬ La Libre Expresion (Free Expression) ⚬ The Light Reflections ⚬ Limonada (Lemonade) ⚬ Liverpool ⚬ Os Lobos (The Wolves) ⚬ Los Locos (The Madmen) ⚬ Los Locos Del Ritmo (The Mads Of Rhythm) ⚬ La Logia Sarabanda (The Sarabanda Lodge) ⚬ Los Loud Jets (The Loud Jets) (a.k.a. Los Laud Jets, Mexican Jumpin' Beans) ⚬ Love Army ⚬ The Love Depression ⚬ Love Machine ⚬ Lucifer ⚬ Luizinho E Seus Dinamites (Louie & His Dynamites) ⚬ Luz De Mercurio (Light Mercury) ⚬ Luz Y Fuerza (Light And Power) ⚬ Jards Macalé ⚬ Macho/Banda Macho (Macho Band) ⚬ Los Maipres (The Maipres) ⚬ Mandala ⚬ Manduka ⚬ Manito ⚬ Gerardo Manuel & El Humo ⚬ Gerardo Manuel Y CVP ⚬ La Máquina (The Machine) ⚬ La Máquina De Hacer Pájaros (Birds Making Machine) ⚬ La Máquina Del Sonido (The Sound Machine) ⚬ Antonio Marcus ⚬ Luiza Maria ⚬ Los Marcianitos (The Little Martians) ⚬ Martha Y Los Ventura (Martha & The Ventura) ⚬ Los Masters (The Masters) ⚬ Los Matadores (The Matadores) ⚬ Los Matemáticos (The Mathematics) ⚬ Eduardo Mateo ⚬ Materia Gris (Grey Matter) ⚬ Ney Matogrosso ⚬ Ruy Maurity (E Trio) ⚬ Jorge Mautner ⚬ Maximiliano ⚬ Rodolfo Mederos ⚬ Alejandro Medina ⚬ Melimelum (Sweet Apple) ⚬ (Los) Memphis ((The) Memphis) ⚬ Sérgio Mendes ⚬ Los Mentales (Mental) ⚬ Mesías (Messiah) ⚬ M.I.A. (Los Músicos Independientes Asociados) ⚬ Miel (Honey) ⚬ Miguel Y El Comité (Miguel & The Committee) ⚬ Miguel Y Eugenio (Miguel & Eugenio) ⚬ Osmar Milito ⚬ Sidney Miller ⚬ Los Mockers (The Mockers) ⚬ Modern Sound Six ⚬ Módulo 5 (Module 5) ⚬ Módulo 1000 (Module 1000) ⚬ Bodo Molitor ⚬ M. V. Moncada ⚬ Los Monjes (The Monks) ⚬ Los Monstruos (The Monsters) (1) ⚬ Los Monstruos (The Monsters) (2) ⚬ Montes (Mounts) ⚬ Montevideo Blues ⚬ Los Moonlights (The Moonlights) (1) ⚬ Los Moonlights (The Moonlights) (2) ⚬ Carlos Moreán ⚬ Moreas Moreira ⚬ Moris ⚬ Las Moskas (The Flies) ⚬ Las Mosquitas (The Mosquitos) ⚬ Moto Perpétuo ⚬ Paulo Moura ⚬ Paulo Moura Hepteto ⚬ Paulo Moura Quarteto (Paulo Moura Quartet) ⚬ Os Mugstones (The Mugstones) ⚬ Musica De Jardin (Garden's Music) ⚬ The Musical Brothers ⚬ (Os) Mutantes ((The) Mutants) ⚬ Náhuatl (Pleasant Language) ⚬ Naire ⚬ Roque Narvaja ⚬ Milton Nascimento ⚬ Los Náufragos (The Castaways) ⚬ Litto Nebbia ⚬ New Jirau ⚬ The New Juggler Sound ⚬ The Night Walkers ⚬ Nil's Jazz Ensemble ⚬ Los Nogger's (The Nogger's) ⚬ Marconi Notaro ⚬ Os Novos Baianos (The New Hillbillies) ⚬ La Nueva Generacion (The New Generation) (1) ⚬ La Nueva Generación (The New Generation) (2) ⚬ Nuevo Mexico (New Mexico) ⚬ Nugget Sound ⚬ Ofrenda (Offering) ⚬ El Opio (The Opium) ⚬ Opus ⚬ Opus Alfa (Work Alpha) ⚬ Orion's Beethoven ⚬ The Out Casts ⚬ Ovni 87 (UFO 87) ⚬ Los Ovnis (UFOs) ⚬ Los Oxford's ⚬ Grupo Oz (Oz Group) ⚬ Pacífico (Pacific) ⚬ Pajarito Zaguri ⚬ Pajaro Alberto Y Conjunto Sacrosaurio (Alberto Bird And Set Sacrosaurio) ⚬ Los Pajaros (The Birds) ⚬ Pan (Bread) (a.k.a. Grupo Pan (Bread Group)) ⚬ Panal (Honeycomb) ⚬ Los Panky's (The Pankys) ⚬ Los Papos (The Papos) ⚬ Pappo's Blues ⚬ Parada 5 (Parade 5) ⚬ Pastoral ⚬ Paulinho Da Viola (Paulinho Gives Viola) ⚬ Pax (Peace) ⚬ Peace & Love ⚬ Peck - Smyth & Off ⚬ Pedro Y Pablo (Peter & Paul) ⚬ Los Pelukas (The Pelukas) ⚬ Perfume Azul Do Sol (Blue Perfume Of The Sun) ⚬ Persona ⚬ La Pesada (The Heavy Ones) ⚬ Los Pets (The Pets) ⚬ Phantons Los Picapiedras (The Flintstones) ⚬ Piel De Pueblo (People Skin) ⚬ Piel Tierna (Tender Skin) ⚬ Os Pilantrocratas (The Pilantrocratas) ⚬ Jorge Pinchevsky (Con La Pesada) (Jorge Pinchevsky (With The Heavy Ones)) ⚬ Los Pingos (The Pingoes) ⚬ Pintura Fresca (Fresh Paint) ⚬ Cristina Plate ⚬ El Polen (The Pollen) ⚬ Polifemo (Polyphemus) ⚬ Polo ⚬ The Pop's ⚬ ⚬ Os Populares (The Popular) ⚬ Raúl Porchetto ⚬ Porsuigieco ⚬ Os Primitivos (The Primitives) ⚬ Los Prince (The Prince) ⚬ Los Profetas (The Prophets) ⚬ Psiglo ⚬ Los Pulpos (The Octopuses) ⚬ Los Pussycats (The Pussycats) ⚬ Quarteto Em Cy (Quartet In B) ⚬ O Quarteto (The Quartet) ⚬ Quilapayún (The Three Bearded Men) ⚬ La Quinta Visión (Fifth Vision) ⚬ Quinteplus (Fifthplus) ⚬ Quinteto Violado (Violated Quintet) ⚬ Rubén Rada ⚬ Raizes (Roots) ⚬ Raulzito E Os Panteras (Raulzito & The Panthers) ⚬ La Raza De Bronce (The Bronze Race) ⚬ Los Rebeldes (The Rebels) (1) ⚬ Los Rebeldes (The Rebels) (2) ⚬ Red Snakes ⚬ Regininha ⚬ Relax ⚬ El Reloj (The Clock) ⚬ Renaissance ⚬ Renato E Seus Blue Caps (Renato And His Blue Caps) ⚬ Los Reno (The Reindeer) ⚬ Los Reos (The Convicts) ⚬ La Revolución De Emiliano Zapata (The Revolution Of Emiliano Zapata) ⚬ João Ricardo ⚬ El Ritual (The Ritual) ⚬ Las Robin (The Robin) ⚬ Ernan Roch ⚬ Rockal Y La Cría (Rockal And Breeding) ⚬ Los Rockets (The Rockets) ⚬ Los Rockin' Devil's (The Rockin' Devils) ⚬ Pedrinho Rodrigues ⚬ Rosario De Alba ⚬ Marilina Ross ⚬ Rubinho E Mauro Assumpcao ⚬ Sacramento (Sacrament) ⚬ Los Sacros (The Sacred) ⚬ Los Saicos (The Saicos) ⚬ Carlos Salazar ⚬ Samjazz Quintet ⚬ Sandhy And Mandhy ⚬ La Sangre (The Blood) ⚬ La Sangre Caliente (Hot Blood) ⚬ San Miguel ⚬ Satwa ⚬ Scorpio ⚬ Los Searfins (The Serafins) ⚬ The Seasons ⚬ Secos & Molhados (Rants & Raves) Os Selvagens (The Wild) ⚬ La Séptima Brigada (The Seventh Brigade) ⚬ The Seven Days ⚬ Sexteto Electronico Moderno (Modern Electronic Sextet) ⚬ Los Shain's (The Shains) ⚬ Shake Downs ⚬ Los Shakers (The Shakers) ⚬ Los Shippy's (The Shippys) ⚬ Los Sicodélicos (The Psychedelics) ⚬ Los Sideral's (The Sidereals) ⚬ Siglo Cero (Zero Century) ⚬ Siglo XXI (Century XXI) ⚬ Los Silvertons (The Silvertons) ⚬ The Silvery Boys ⚬ Silvinha ⚬ Simon + 4 ⚬ Los Sinclairs (The Sinclairs) ⚬ El Sindykato (The Syndikate) ⚬ Los Sinners (The Sinners) ⚬ Síntesis (Synthesis) ⚬ Los Six (The Six) ⚬ The 6 Kings ⚬ Los Sleepers (The Sleepers) ⚬ Antonio Smith ⚬ Smog ⚬ Los Solitarios (The Solitaries) ⚬ Som Imaginário (Imaginary Sound) ⚬ Som Nosso De Cada Dia (Our Daily Sound) ⚬ Los Soñadores (The Dreamers) ⚬ Los Song Writers (The Song Writers) ⚬ El Sonido De Hillber (The Sound Of Hillber) ⚬ Los Sonny's (The Sonnys) ⚬ The Sonset ⚬ Soul Master's ⚬ Sound Factory ⚬ Raul De Souza (a.k.a. Raulzinho) ⚬ The Spark's ⚬ Los Speakers (The Speakers) ⚬ Spectrum ⚬ The Spiders ⚬ Luis Alberto Spinetta ⚬ Spiteri ⚬ Los Streaks (The Streaks) ⚬ Los Strwck (The Strwck) ⚬ The (St. Thomas) Pepper Smelter ⚬ Chany Suárez ⚬ Sudamérica (South America) ⚬ Sugar Ice Tea ⚬ Sui Generis ⚬ Los Summers (The Summers) ⚬ Samantha Summers ⚬ The Sunshines ⚬ Los Super Jets (The Super Jets) ⚬ Los Supersónicos (The Jetsons) ⚬ The Survival ⚬ Los Tammys (The Tammys) ⚬ Tango ⚬ Os Tápes (The Tapes) ⚬ Tarkus ⚬ El Tarro De Mostaza (Mustard Jar) ⚬ Los Teddy's (The Teddys) ⚬ Los Teenagers Paraguayos (The Paraguayan Teenagers) ⚬ Los Teen Tops (The Teen Tops) ⚬ Telegraph Avenue ⚬ Los Temerarios (The Daredevils) ⚬ Los Tepetatles (The Tepetatles) ⚬ Tequila ⚬ O Terço (The Third) ⚬ Thabata (Tabatha) ⚬ Thee Image ⚬ Them ⚬ 39.4 ⚬ Three Souls In My Mind ⚬ Los Thunder Boys (The Thunder Boys) ⚬ Los Thunder Kings (The Thunder Kings) ⚬ Los Tijuana Five (The Tijuana Five) ⚬ Tinta Blanca (White Ink) ⚬ Tobruk ⚬ Ara Tokatlian (Con Enrique Villegas) ⚬ Toncho Pilatos (Pilate Toncho) ⚬ Los Tornados (The Tornados) ⚬ Traffic Sound ⚬ Trampas (Traps) Los Trapos (The Rags) ⚬ El Trébol (Clover) ⚬ Os Tremendões (The Tremendoes) ⚬ La Tribu (The Tribe) ⚬ Trío Comunión (Trio Communion) ⚬ Trío Galleta (Cookie Trio) ⚬ Trio Horizonte Com The Golden Medals (Horizon Trio With The Golden Medals) ⚬ Trío Lluvia (Rain Trio) ⚬ Trocha Angosta (Narrow Gauge) ⚬ Jean Paul “El Troglodita” (Jean Paul “The Cavedweller”) ⚬ La Tropa Loca (The Crazy Troop) ⚬ Tumulto (Turmoil) ⚬ A Turma Da Pilantragem (The Class Of Sleaziness) ⚬ Umas E Outras (Some And Others) ⚬ Unidad Cinco (Unit Five) ⚬ Al Universo (The Universe) ⚬ Luis Vagner ⚬ Chayito Valdez ⚬ Norma Valdez ⚬ Alceu Valença (& Geraldo Azevedo) ⚬ Marcos Valle ⚬ Vanusa ⚬ Caetano Veloso ⚬ Los Verdugos (The Executioners) ⚬ Los Vikingos (The Vikings) (1) ⚬ Los Vikings (The Vikings) (2) ⚬ Paulinho Da Viola (Paulinho Gives Viola) ⚬ Los V.I.P.'s (The V.I.P.'s) ⚬ Los Vip's (The Vip's) ⚬ Os Vips (The Vips) ⚬ Vivencia (Experience) ⚬ Ronnie Von ⚬ Vox Dei (Voice Of God) Wagon ⚬ The Walflower Complextion ⚬ Los Walkers (The Walkers) ⚬ Wara ⚬ Watt's 69 ⚬ We All Together ⚬ Los X-5 ⚬ Xawks ⚬ Xingú (Xingu) ⚬ Yadran & Los Dedos Congelados (Yadran and The Frozen Fingers) ⚬ Los Yaki (The Yaki) ⚬ Yesternight ⚬ Los Yetis (The Yetis) ⚬ Los York's (The Yorks) ⚬ You ⚬ Los Young Beats (The Young Beats) ⚬ The Youngsters ⚬ Fernando Yvosky ⚬ Pajarito Zaguri ⚬ Edgar Zamudio ⚬ Zandunga ⚬ Los Zantos (The Zantos) ⚬ Tom Zé ⚬ Zegé Pot Zenda ⚬ Los 007 (1) ⚬ Los 007 (2) ⚬ Los Zignos (The Zignos) ⚬ Zocalo ⚬ Os Abstratos (The Abstracts).